Code of Conduct
Teknoloji Textile Ltd. ( TT Clothing Company ) including all subsidiaries
1 Introduction
1.1 Our Code of Conduct
This code of conduct (also referred as the code) presents the framework for the way we do business and with whom we do business. It is about acting with integrity, treat people and the environment with respect, taking social responsibility, and always consider our values and ethical guidelines in order to create a better place to live and do business in.
Our code of conduct is mandatory to all employees, temporary employees, suppliers and/or other business partner to us. It specifies what we believe in and shall behave as individuals, company and as a part of an inter- national echo system.
1.2 Additional documents
In addition to this Code of Conduct there are other complying rules and legal regulations and restrictions, which is your responsibility to be aware of and apply to, examples of such documents are agreement with external parties and internal compliant rules such as polices for IT, Information Management, safety, recruitment, use of drugs, employment contracts and guidelines of how to be a leader at Teknoloji Textile.
1.3 Violation of this Code of Conduct
Any violation of this Code of Conduct should be reported to the regular management, the HR manager or the CEO. If a violation is proven appropriate actions will be taken. A failure to follow the Code that involves a criminal act could result in prosecution after referral to the appropriate authorities. Employees who violate the Code or any laws or regulations may also be subject to internal disciplinary action, including termination of employment. A supplier who violates this Code may lose the business relationship with Teknoloji Textile.
2 Our business principles
2.1 Rules and regulations
Our general rule is that all our employees, temporarily employees, suppliers and other business partners must follow the national laws in the countries in which they operate. Should any requirement in this Code conflict with the national law in any country or territory, the law must always be followed. In such cases the supplier must notify Teknoloji Textile before signing the Code.
2.2 Communication
We support and provide for an open communication with and between all our stakeholders within the framework of cooperate confidentiality.
2.3 Environment
To stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment we aim to:
• Follow the guidelines of WWF and work towards conserving the world’s biological diversity, ensure that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable and promote the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.
• Within ten years be carbon neutral.
• Systematically work towards being ISO 14000 certified by end 2016.
• Be compliant with ISO 26000 by end 2016
2.4 Finances
We shall always do business with integrity and have sound finances. Our finances shall always be characterized by accuracy and completeness. We do not accept money laundering, bribery or corruption in any form. Any conflict of interest should be avoided.
2.5 Our customers
Our mission is to manufacture and serve desired quality of garment for our customers. Therefore we take responsibility for our customers to be successful and grow in their markets and provide best experience for retail customers who wear garments that we produce.
2.6 Equality
We never accept any type of discrimination regarding gender, sexual preferences, religion or culture.
2.7 Performance Management
In order to monitor our own performance we have in place a system for measurement.
3 Our way and values
Leadership – always set a good example
Commitment – show passion and commitment
Happiness and positivity – always try to inspire others
Development – take responsibility for your own personal and professional development Responsibility – assume both personal and social responsibility
Challenge – always dare to challenge
Make mistakes – test and learn
Entrepreneurship – always try to be innovative
Results – results are what counts
Customers – we are here for our customers
Team spirit – we are stronger together
Pride – always be proud of what you do
4 Our environmental responsibility
4.1 Environmental classification, reporting and inspections
There should be a compliance with applicable laws and regulations relating to environmental protection including environmental classification, reporting and inspections by authorities.
4.2 Waste Management
Any waste, particular hazardous waste, must be taken care of in a responsible manner and in accordance with local law.
4.3 Water Management
Water is a scares resource and should be used as efficiently as possible. Also, all outgoing wastewater from wet processes must be treated before it is discharged. The treated wastewater quality must meet the requirements in local legislation.
5 International trade
5.1 Antitrust laws
Antitrust laws prohibit a variety of practices that restrain trade or restrict free and fair competition, such as price- fixing conspiracies and acts designed to achieve or maintain monopoly power. Antitrust laws apply to every level of business in the vast majority of countries in which Teknoloji Textile operates. It is important to be aware of the laws – not only to avoid infringement but also to ensure that suppliers or trade customers are not engaging in anti-competitive activities that could damage our business.
5.2 Import and export control and sanctions
Employees whose work involves the sale, shipment, electronic transfer or disclosure of technical information, software, goods or services across national borders are required to keep up to date with applicable rules and regulations.
6 Chemicals
6.1 Legal requirements
There should always be a compliance with applicable laws and classifications relating to purchasing, storage, handling, use and transportation of chemicals.
Guidelines for the allowed content of chemicals in products Teknoloji Textile manufacturing. The restrictions have been developed with concern for the health of our customers and consumers of our products, our concern for the environment as well as for the working conditions in the factories where our raw materials are produced. The restrictions are based on applicable Turkish and EU legislation and on recommendations and demands from our customers.
6.2 Handling of chemicals
Chemicals used must be in compliance with Teknoloji Textile’s Chemical Restrictions for the relevant product type. Our suppliers shall have documented procedures for the purchasing, storage, handling and use of chemicals. Chemical containers must be properly labeled and safely stored. A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) must be available (in the local language) in the workshop/factory. The instructions in the MSDS must be followed.
6.3 Competence and training
All workers that purchase, store, handle and use chemicals have the right competence and are adequately trained before entering an employment. Records of the training shall be kept by the supplier including names of participants, dates of the training and an overview of the training content.
7 Prevention of child labour
(refer to Ilo Conventions 138 and 182 and to the un Convention on the rights of the Child)
7.1 Prevention of child labour
Teknoloji Textile does not accept child labour. All measures to prevent child labor shall be implemented taking into account the best interests of the child.
Our suppliers and business partners shall not make use of child labor and take the appropriate measures to ensure that no child labor occurs at their own place of production or operations or at their sub-contractors’ place(s) of production or operations.
Our suppliers and business partners shall abide by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) and comply with all relevant national and international laws, regulations and provisions applicable in their country of production or operations.
Child labour is defined as work performed by children, which interferes with a child’s right to healthy growth and development and denies him or her the right to education. According to ILO Minimum Age Convention no. 138 (1973), a child is defined as any person less than fifteen years of age, unless local minimum age law stipulates a higher age for work or mandatory schooling, in which case the higher age would apply. If the local minimum working age is set at fourteen years of age in accordance with exceptions for developing countries, the lower age will apply.
7.2 Young workers
Teknoloji Textile supports the legal employment of young workers.
Young persons of legal working age shall be protected until the age of 18, from any type of employment or work, which by its nature or circumstances in which it is carried out is likely to jeopardize their health, safety or morals. Young workers shall be treated according to law. This includes measures to avoid hazardous jobs, night shifts and to ensure minimum wages.
8 Workers’ rights
8.1 Basic rights
We do not accept any forms of forced or bonded labour and we do not accept the use of prison labour or illegal labour in the production of goods or services for Teknoloji Textile.
(Refer to ILO Conventions 29 and 105)
Migrant workers shall have the same rights as local employees. Any commissions and other fees in connection with employment of migrant workers must be covered by the employer. The employer must not require the employee to submit his/her identification documents. Workers employed through an agent or contractors are the responsibility of Teknoloji Textile’s supplier and other business partners and are thus covered by this Code.
Every employee shall be treated with respect and dignity.
We do not accept the use by our suppliers, their subcontractors or other business partners of humiliating or corporal punishment, and no employee shall be subject to physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.
All employees have the right to form or join associations of their own choosing and to bargain collectively. Teknoloji Textile does not accept disciplinary or discriminatory actions from the employer against employees who choose to peacefully and lawfully organize or join an association. (Refer to ILO Conventions 87, 98 and 135)
No employee shall be discriminated against in employment or occupation on the grounds of sex, race, color, age, pregnancy, sexual orientation, religion, political opinion, nationality, ethnic origin, disease or disability. (Refer to ILO Conventions 100 and 111)
All employees are entitled to a written employment contract, in the local language, stipulating the employment terms and conditions. The employer has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are aware of their legal rights and obligations.
8.2 Wages, benefits, working hours and leave
Except in extraordinary business circumstances, employees shall (i) not be required to work more than the lesser of (a) 48 hours per week and 12 hours overtime or (b) the limits on regular and overtime hours allowed by the law of the country of manufacture or, where the laws of such country do not limit the hours of work, the regular work week in such country plus 12 hours.
Teknoloji Textile, our supplier and our business partners shall pay wages to its employees and workers, including compensation for overtime, and working hours in accordance to legal requirements. There shall be compensation for all overtime hours worked according to the legal requirements at such premium rate as is legally required in the country of manufacture or, in those countries where such laws do not exist, at a rate at least equal to their regular hourly compensation rate. Wages shall be paid at regular intervals and on time with respect to work performed, according to local legislation. There shall have at least one day off in seven, be allowed time off according to app- licable legislation, local traditions and standards (e.g. sick/medical leave, annual/earned leave, maternity leave, national holidays etc.), and provide its employees and workers with appropriate time off for meals and breaks.
9 Health and safety
9.1 Building safety
We require our suppliers and other business partners to make employees’ safety a priority at all times. No hazardous equipment or unsafe buildings are accepted.
9.2 Fire safety
Emergency exits must be clearly marked, well lit and unblocked all the way out of the building. Evacuation through emergency exits must always be possible during working hours. Everyone working on the premises, including managers and guards, must be regularly trained in how to act in case of fire or other emergency. Regular evacuation drills for all employees are required; evacuation plans and firefighting equipment must be in place.
9.3 Accidents and first aid
The employer must work proactively to avoid accidents causing harm to any employee in the workplace. Relevant first aid equipment must be available. Where legally required a doctor or nurse should be available during working hours.
9.4 Working environment
The premises must be regularly maintained and must provide a healthy working environment.
10 Monitoring and enforcement
10.1 Transparency and co-operation
We expect that all our employers, temporarily employers, suppliers and other business partners respect this Code of Conduct and actively do their utmost to achieve our standards. We also expect that all our employers, temporarily employers, suppliers and other business partners to be transparent and not intentionally mislead our auditors. We believe in co-operation and will work with our suppliers and other business partners to achieve sustainable solutions.
10.2 Monitoring
Our Code of Conduct shall be communicated, discussed, followed and signed by all our employers, temporarily employers, suppliers and other business partners. All partners, suppliers and other business partners are obliged to keep Teknoloji Textile informed at all times of where each product is being produced, including subcontracting and work from home. Relevant documentation must be maintained for auditing purposes. We reserve the right to make unannounced visits to all units producing goods or services for Teknoloji Textile, at any time. We also reserve the right to appoint an independent third party of our choice to conduct audits in order to evaluate compliance with our Code of Conduct.
10.3 Supply chain
Our Code of Conduct applies only to our employees, temporarily employees, direct suppliers, other business partners and manufacturers of goods or services for Teknoloji Textile and their downstream subcontractors. However, we encourage our suppliers and other business partners to impose social and environmental requirements upstream in their supply chain, for example on suppliers of fabric, leather, cotton and other components and raw materials. Examples of such requirements include banning the use of forced labor and child labor, chemical restrictions and treatment of wastewater.
10.4 Corrective action
Teknoloji Textile ́s audits aim to identify gaps between the requirements in this Code of Conduct and the actual practices and conditions in the workplace. The audited company will usually be given the opportunity to propose and implement a corrective action plan. Teknoloji Textile will follow up the implementation of the plan and verify that violations have been remedied. A supplier failing to undertake sustainable improvements risk damaging its relationship with Teknoloji Textile. Unwillingness to cooperate or repeated serious violations of our Code of Conduct and local law may lead to reduced business and ultimately termination of the business relationship with Teknoloji Textile.
Teknoloji Textile Ltd. ( TT Clothing Company ) including all subsidiaries
1 Introduction
1.1 Our Code of Conduct
This code of conduct (also referred as the code) presents the framework for the way we do business and with whom we do business. It is about acting with integrity, treat people and the environment with respect, taking social responsibility, and always consider our values and ethical guidelines in order to create a better place to live and do business in.
Our code of conduct is mandatory to all employees, temporary employees, suppliers and/or other business partner to us. It specifies what we believe in and shall behave as individuals, company and as a part of an inter- national echo system.
1.2 Additional documents
In addition to this Code of Conduct there are other complying rules and legal regulations and restrictions, which is your responsibility to be aware of and apply to, examples of such documents are agreement with external parties and internal compliant rules such as polices for IT, Information Management, safety, recruitment, use of drugs, employment contracts and guidelines of how to be a leader at Teknoloji Textile.
1.3 Violation of this Code of Conduct
Any violation of this Code of Conduct should be reported to the regular management, the HR manager or the CEO. If a violation is proven appropriate actions will be taken. A failure to follow the Code that involves a criminal act could result in prosecution after referral to the appropriate authorities. Employees who violate the Code or any laws or regulations may also be subject to internal disciplinary action, including termination of employment. A supplier who violates this Code may lose the business relationship with Teknoloji Textile.
2 Our business principles
2.1 Rules and regulations
Our general rule is that all our employees, temporarily employees, suppliers and other business partners must follow the national laws in the countries in which they operate. Should any requirement in this Code conflict with the national law in any country or territory, the law must always be followed. In such cases the supplier must notify Teknoloji Textile before signing the Code.
2.2 Communication
We support and provide for an open communication with and between all our stakeholders within the framework of cooperate confidentiality.
2.3 Environment
To stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment we aim to:
• Follow the guidelines of WWF and work towards conserving the world’s biological diversity, ensure that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable and promote the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.
• Within ten years be carbon neutral.
• Systematically work towards being ISO 14000 certified by end 2016.
• Be compliant with ISO 26000 by end 2016
2.4 Finances
We shall always do business with integrity and have sound finances. Our finances shall always be characterized by accuracy and completeness. We do not accept money laundering, bribery or corruption in any form. Any conflict of interest should be avoided.
2.5 Our customers
Our mission is to manufacture and serve desired quality of garment for our customers. Therefore we take responsibility for our customers to be successful and grow in their markets and provide best experience for retail customers who wear garments that we produce.
2.6 Equality
We never accept any type of discrimination regarding gender, sexual preferences, religion or culture.
2.7 Performance Management
In order to monitor our own performance we have in place a system for measurement.
3 Our way and values
Leadership – always set a good example
Commitment – show passion and commitment
Happiness and positivity – always try to inspire others
Development – take responsibility for your own personal and professional development Responsibility – assume both personal and social responsibility
Challenge – always dare to challenge
Make mistakes – test and learn
Entrepreneurship – always try to be innovative
Results – results are what counts
Customers – we are here for our customers
Team spirit – we are stronger together
Pride – always be proud of what you do
4 Our environmental responsibility
4.1 Environmental classification, reporting and inspections
There should be a compliance with applicable laws and regulations relating to environmental protection including environmental classification, reporting and inspections by authorities.
4.2 Waste Management
Any waste, particular hazardous waste, must be taken care of in a responsible manner and in accordance with local law.
4.3 Water Management
Water is a scares resource and should be used as efficiently as possible. Also, all outgoing wastewater from wet processes must be treated before it is discharged. The treated wastewater quality must meet the requirements in local legislation.
5 International trade
5.1 Antitrust laws
Antitrust laws prohibit a variety of practices that restrain trade or restrict free and fair competition, such as price- fixing conspiracies and acts designed to achieve or maintain monopoly power. Antitrust laws apply to every level of business in the vast majority of countries in which Teknoloji Textile operates. It is important to be aware of the laws – not only to avoid infringement but also to ensure that suppliers or trade customers are not engaging in anti-competitive activities that could damage our business.
5.2 Import and export control and sanctions
Employees whose work involves the sale, shipment, electronic transfer or disclosure of technical information, software, goods or services across national borders are required to keep up to date with applicable rules and regulations.
6 Chemicals
6.1 Legal requirements
There should always be a compliance with applicable laws and classifications relating to purchasing, storage, handling, use and transportation of chemicals.
Guidelines for the allowed content of chemicals in products Teknoloji Textile manufacturing. The restrictions have been developed with concern for the health of our customers and consumers of our products, our concern for the environment as well as for the working conditions in the factories where our raw materials are produced. The restrictions are based on applicable Turkish and EU legislation and on recommendations and demands from our customers.
6.2 Handling of chemicals
Chemicals used must be in compliance with Teknoloji Textile’s Chemical Restrictions for the relevant product type. Our suppliers shall have documented procedures for the purchasing, storage, handling and use of chemicals. Chemical containers must be properly labeled and safely stored. A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) must be available (in the local language) in the workshop/factory. The instructions in the MSDS must be followed.
6.3 Competence and training
All workers that purchase, store, handle and use chemicals have the right competence and are adequately trained before entering an employment. Records of the training shall be kept by the supplier including names of participants, dates of the training and an overview of the training content.
7 Prevention of child labour
(refer to Ilo Conventions 138 and 182 and to the un Convention on the rights of the Child)
7.1 Prevention of child labour
Teknoloji Textile does not accept child labour. All measures to prevent child labor shall be implemented taking into account the best interests of the child.
Our suppliers and business partners shall not make use of child labor and take the appropriate measures to ensure that no child labor occurs at their own place of production or operations or at their sub-contractors’ place(s) of production or operations.
Our suppliers and business partners shall abide by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) and comply with all relevant national and international laws, regulations and provisions applicable in their country of production or operations.
Child labour is defined as work performed by children, which interferes with a child’s right to healthy growth and development and denies him or her the right to education. According to ILO Minimum Age Convention no. 138 (1973), a child is defined as any person less than fifteen years of age, unless local minimum age law stipulates a higher age for work or mandatory schooling, in which case the higher age would apply. If the local minimum working age is set at fourteen years of age in accordance with exceptions for developing countries, the lower age will apply.
7.2 Young workers
Teknoloji Textile supports the legal employment of young workers.
Young persons of legal working age shall be protected until the age of 18, from any type of employment or work, which by its nature or circumstances in which it is carried out is likely to jeopardize their health, safety or morals. Young workers shall be treated according to law. This includes measures to avoid hazardous jobs, night shifts and to ensure minimum wages.
8 Workers’ rights
8.1 Basic rights
We do not accept any forms of forced or bonded labour and we do not accept the use of prison labour or illegal labour in the production of goods or services for Teknoloji Textile.
(Refer to ILO Conventions 29 and 105)
Migrant workers shall have the same rights as local employees. Any commissions and other fees in connection with employment of migrant workers must be covered by the employer. The employer must not require the employee to submit his/her identification documents. Workers employed through an agent or contractors are the responsibility of Teknoloji Textile’s supplier and other business partners and are thus covered by this Code.
Every employee shall be treated with respect and dignity.
We do not accept the use by our suppliers, their subcontractors or other business partners of humiliating or corporal punishment, and no employee shall be subject to physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.
All employees have the right to form or join associations of their own choosing and to bargain collectively. Teknoloji Textile does not accept disciplinary or discriminatory actions from the employer against employees who choose to peacefully and lawfully organize or join an association. (Refer to ILO Conventions 87, 98 and 135)
No employee shall be discriminated against in employment or occupation on the grounds of sex, race, color, age, pregnancy, sexual orientation, religion, political opinion, nationality, ethnic origin, disease or disability. (Refer to ILO Conventions 100 and 111)
All employees are entitled to a written employment contract, in the local language, stipulating the employment terms and conditions. The employer has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are aware of their legal rights and obligations.
8.2 Wages, benefits, working hours and leave
Except in extraordinary business circumstances, employees shall (i) not be required to work more than the lesser of (a) 48 hours per week and 12 hours overtime or (b) the limits on regular and overtime hours allowed by the law of the country of manufacture or, where the laws of such country do not limit the hours of work, the regular work week in such country plus 12 hours.
Teknoloji Textile, our supplier and our business partners shall pay wages to its employees and workers, including compensation for overtime, and working hours in accordance to legal requirements. There shall be compensation for all overtime hours worked according to the legal requirements at such premium rate as is legally required in the country of manufacture or, in those countries where such laws do not exist, at a rate at least equal to their regular hourly compensation rate. Wages shall be paid at regular intervals and on time with respect to work performed, according to local legislation. There shall have at least one day off in seven, be allowed time off according to app- licable legislation, local traditions and standards (e.g. sick/medical leave, annual/earned leave, maternity leave, national holidays etc.), and provide its employees and workers with appropriate time off for meals and breaks.
9 Health and safety
9.1 Building safety
We require our suppliers and other business partners to make employees’ safety a priority at all times. No hazardous equipment or unsafe buildings are accepted.
9.2 Fire safety
Emergency exits must be clearly marked, well lit and unblocked all the way out of the building. Evacuation through emergency exits must always be possible during working hours. Everyone working on the premises, including managers and guards, must be regularly trained in how to act in case of fire or other emergency. Regular evacuation drills for all employees are required; evacuation plans and firefighting equipment must be in place.
9.3 Accidents and first aid
The employer must work proactively to avoid accidents causing harm to any employee in the workplace. Relevant first aid equipment must be available. Where legally required a doctor or nurse should be available during working hours.
9.4 Working environment
The premises must be regularly maintained and must provide a healthy working environment.
10 Monitoring and enforcement
10.1 Transparency and co-operation
We expect that all our employers, temporarily employers, suppliers and other business partners respect this Code of Conduct and actively do their utmost to achieve our standards. We also expect that all our employers, temporarily employers, suppliers and other business partners to be transparent and not intentionally mislead our auditors. We believe in co-operation and will work with our suppliers and other business partners to achieve sustainable solutions.
10.2 Monitoring
Our Code of Conduct shall be communicated, discussed, followed and signed by all our employers, temporarily employers, suppliers and other business partners. All partners, suppliers and other business partners are obliged to keep Teknoloji Textile informed at all times of where each product is being produced, including subcontracting and work from home. Relevant documentation must be maintained for auditing purposes. We reserve the right to make unannounced visits to all units producing goods or services for Teknoloji Textile, at any time. We also reserve the right to appoint an independent third party of our choice to conduct audits in order to evaluate compliance with our Code of Conduct.
10.3 Supply chain
Our Code of Conduct applies only to our employees, temporarily employees, direct suppliers, other business partners and manufacturers of goods or services for Teknoloji Textile and their downstream subcontractors. However, we encourage our suppliers and other business partners to impose social and environmental requirements upstream in their supply chain, for example on suppliers of fabric, leather, cotton and other components and raw materials. Examples of such requirements include banning the use of forced labor and child labor, chemical restrictions and treatment of wastewater.
10.4 Corrective action
Teknoloji Textile ́s audits aim to identify gaps between the requirements in this Code of Conduct and the actual practices and conditions in the workplace. The audited company will usually be given the opportunity to propose and implement a corrective action plan. Teknoloji Textile will follow up the implementation of the plan and verify that violations have been remedied. A supplier failing to undertake sustainable improvements risk damaging its relationship with Teknoloji Textile. Unwillingness to cooperate or repeated serious violations of our Code of Conduct and local law may lead to reduced business and ultimately termination of the business relationship with Teknoloji Textile.